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Color combo's

Foto van schrijver: lotje meijknechtlotje meijknecht

Browsing through different sets of old(ish) photo's I found strange, unexpected as well as nice combinations. I mostly watch color first, rather than shape. How about you, what is the first thing you notice?

In any case, I found a couple of nice series and it shows how over type I keep coming back to some combinations. Rather funny. Also when I specifically try something new. Even when I use one of those fantastic Japanese color guides like A dictionary of color combinations. This somehow makes me more easy using those guides... Yes it is inspiring, and yes I still keep something of my own in there :-)

Browse through the selections below, and enjoy this little digital exhibition by color.

Green and reddish pink - top left to bottom right 1) an interior drawn on my phone inspired by Matisse interiors (but not really his colors); 2) a quilt sold in 2015; 3) oil painting featuring a harbour on the island of Tiengemeten; 4) iphone drawing of the curtains in our sleeping room; 5) Quince recipe print and yes I did paint my teenage room in salmon pink and olive green; 6) NOT MY WORK but somehow I do love this fabric - curtains in a Cornish inn.

Blue and petrol - top left to bottom right 1) print from our Morar book; 2) acryl painting, smallish to memorize this snow night landscape; 3) scap quilt; 4) digital illustration of the sleepover of 4 hobbits at Ton Bombadil's.

Green, turquois and bits of orange - The orange really makes a difference here! And those gorgeous yarns are dyed by not me of course. I bought them as a mystery pack - loved it only just now have out how well it suits me.

Grass, turquois, yellow and orange - top left to bottom right 1) illustration from our folk tale, love the orange flowers on the yellow dress...; 2) Scottish print, somewhere near Rannoch station; 3) photo from a moving train, making a funny pattern out of the flower bulb fields in the west of the Netherlands; 4) quilt I made for our home and many years of mariage...


© 2022 Lotje Meijknecht

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